Your First Visit.

Dr. Foreman will complete a thorough medical history followed by a focused orthopedic & neurological examination to determine if you are a good candidate for Chiropractic care.

Following the Exam,

Dr. Foreman will explain the cause of the issue, how are we going to try and fix it, along with detailing an estimated length of healing.

The First Treatment,

  • Chiropractic adjustments/Y-strap if needed

  • Soft tissue therapies including massage, myofascial release, & percussion therapy

  • Rehabilitation exercises including balance & coordination training, focused muscle strengthening, and more.

Following the Treatment,

Dr. Foreman will recommend a treatment plan that details the length of treatment, specific needs and treatment goals.

*After our evaluation, if we find that our care will not be beneficial, we will provide a recommendation for a different practitioner so that you can receive the best care possible.

What Kind of Patient am I?

Relief Care Patient

Patients often seek chiropractic care after a recent injury, a flair up of a old issue or untreated chronic pain. Our first objective is to help our patients find relief from their complaint as efficiently as possible. Depending on the severity of the problem, it is typical to start care two to three times per week for four to 12 weeks. As our patients progress, they are transitioned to a treatment plan that will better suit their needs.

Rehabilitative Care Patient

Commonly, this patient deals with frequent headaches, chronic low back/ neck pain, or in the healing process from an injury. This is a transition period of maintenance care that focuses on strengthening weakened muscles and promoting healthy movement patterns, which helps prevent recurring injury. It is typical to need care four to eight times per month for six to 24 months, depending on your overall health and the severity of the complaint.

Wellness Patient

This patient receives periodic adjustments that play a vital role in preventing future injuries, maintaining optimum function, remaining pain free and enhancing the quality and longevity of life. Usually, this only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor one to four times per month, based on your lifestyle and goals. Our goal is to transition all of our patients to wellness care.